50-60mm Spotting Scopes

Nikon Fieldscope III ED & 20-60x Zoom

It is long past time for a review of the "new" Nikon Fieldscope III ED. I have had one for a year or more now and we still have the Fieldscope II listed as the Reference Standard for 60 mm class scopes.

Kowa TS614

A good scope gives you the brightest, clearest, up­close­and­personal view possible ‹ sometimes giving you an even better than bird­in­the­hand view. To see the same amount of detail that one of the scopes in this test provided at 10 yards, I had to use a 4X magnifier at less than an inch! Now, put a bird at the feeder in front of that scope and I think you can imagine the possibilities.

Leupold Compact 60mm Scope

The main reason that more people don't regularly carry a scope into the field with them has to be the extra weight and bulk. A scope is simply a hassle, no matter how you carry it, and for the few times you really need it , it is easy to convince yourself you don't really need it.