Brandon Eyepieces
Apr 02 2010 10:27 AM |
in Eyepieces
This story begins with a tragedy, but since it ends happily, it is what the Greeks called a comedy. It began with the purchase of a set of five Brandon eyepieces and Dakin Barlow from a source outside of the U.S.
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A Plethora of Plossls
Dec 17 2009 11:30 AM |
David E
in Eyepieces
The prodigiously popular Plossl is a perennial pick with astronomers, young and old. Invented in mid-1800 by G. S. Plossl of Austria, it is one of the oldest eyepiece designs still readily available. His design, however, remained obscure for
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Going Retro
Oct 26 2009 05:46 AM |
in Eyepieces
Last night I spent some quality time with one pair each of old Vixen/Celestron 25MM and 17MM Kellners in my DenkII binoviewers
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How to Properly Center Short Focus Eyepieces
Nov 23 2008 02:19 AM |
in Eyepieces
Short focused eyepieces are often dismissed by their relentless owners
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Moonfish Binoviewer
Apr 07 2006 12:54 AM |
Michael Morris
in Eyepieces
I will admit to being a bit of a skeptic about binoviewers. I’ve always thought of them mainly as a great marketing ploy to get gadget–mad astronomers to buy more stuff and to double the size of
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A Very “Old School” Eyepiece
Sep 15 2005 06:44 AM |
Clive Gibbons
in Eyepieces
First off, I'll admit to being a lover of old optics. Vintage scopes and accessories hold a special appeal to me. So, when I was clearing out some old space at work the other day and found something that looked tarnished and brassy,
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