The Elements
Weather and Observing
Jul 11 2006 09:35 AM |
in The Weatherman · Todd Gross
Most of us live in the "mid latitudes". In the northern hemisphere, the prevailing winds above are from the west to east, such as in the United States and much of Canada.
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Observing on a "Cloudy Night?"
May 30 2006 09:27 AM |
in The Weatherman · Todd Gross
You can actually observe the moon and planets, and even occasionally bright nebula, when it is cloudy outside if the clouds are thin enough.
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Weather and Observing
Apr 26 2006 06:27 AM |
in The Weatherman · Todd Gross
In my first article for Cloudy Nights I’d like to give you a brief history of my love affair with both weather and astronomy and remind you just how much these two earth sciences really go hand in hand in terms of observing.
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The Heart of Virgo
Feb 16 2006 06:17 AM |
in The Elements
Several times during the last month or two I have looked at one of my favorite parts of the sky, the heart of the great Virgo Galaxy cluster. When I approach the area by star hopping, I generally start at rho Virginis, work north to M60 and M59, then west to M58, M87, and finally M86 and M84, at the center
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