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A Journey to Kitt Peak

Mar 29 2011 06:40 AM | Guest in Travels

Last Fall I became aware of the Advanced Observing Program at Kitt Peak Observatory. For a fee of $350 plus $55 for room and board, individuals can rent either a

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Night Flight - Airplane Astronomy

Mar 29 2011 06:09 AM | Guest in Travels

Perhaps the ultimate form of traveling astronomy is astronomy while traveling-literally. I once spent about one hour and 300 miles exploring Jupiter and Saturn from a Boeing 777 flying across the Midwest

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A Night In Wadi Rum

Mar 29 2011 06:06 AM | Guest in Travels

In late August 2001, I traveled to the port city of Aqaba in southern Jordan. Baking in the Arabian sun, Aqaba is a town of 70,000 people, surrounded on three sides by stark desert hills and bounded on the west by

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Star Hill Inn - Sapello, New Mexico

Mar 29 2011 06:04 AM | Guest in Travels

My wife and I journeyed to Star Hill Inn, June 27th, thru July 1st, 2003. The Inn is located in Sapello, New Mexico

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Mojave Astronomy Adventure

Mar 29 2011 05:56 AM | Guest in Travels

My wife, Kimberly, and I were in Las Vegas in June of 2001 for a family vacation that included her parents and her brothers and their families. I was thrilled at the prospect of the trip, because I knew Vegas would be

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Astronomy and Farm Holidays in Central Italy

Mar 29 2011 05:53 AM | Mauro Da Lio in Travels

Farm Holiday is a way of making vacations - from long summer stays to simple weekends - which is gaining a lot of popularity in recent years, in Italy. To my knowledge, all started some decades ago, when farms in Tuscany began to

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Mar 29 2011 05:46 AM | Guest in Travels

This section offers specific suggestions for where to go observing in different parts of the world. Amateur astronomers who have advice about where people can safely set up their telescopes for

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December 4, 2002 Solar Eclipse - Tshipise, South Africa

Mar 29 2011 05:29 AM | Duncan Rosie in Travels

Tshipise is a hot-spring resort on the northern border of South Africa. It is in the Limpopo Province, named after the mighty Limpopo river which separates South Africa from Zimbabwe to the north, and so frequently floods Mozambique to the east. The camp was scheduled to see about

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Travel Companions That Never Let You Down

Dec 18 2009 07:44 AM | SteveTilford in Travels

I love to travel and when I go I always try to take some kind of an instrument to look through to the heavens above. I had a Televue Ranger (telescope) that went with me everywhere I went and

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West Virginia Observing Part II

Nov 20 2006 07:01 AM | galaxyman in Travels

For the last couple years, I have been able to setup a vacation/astronomy trip in the Fall for the Chesmont Astronomical Society, to my favorite place called West Virginia.

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