Binocular Reports
Comparing Binoculars - GO22x85, WO22x70, Tak22x60
Mar 18 2010 06:52 AM |
in Binocular Reports
First, let me say these are three fine binoculars. Oh yes, one is better than the others, but none of the three would be something you wouldn’t want to own. I've measured many binoculars of all sizes. Some of the measures put up by one or the other of these three rank among
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Binocular Illumination: Comparing Illumination in the GO22x85, WO22x70 and Tak22x60
Dec 30 2009 08:35 AM |
in Binocular Reports
We often hear people state exit pupil is what determines the brightness of your binoculars. But stop for a moment and think, that does not explain why sometimes it seems that two binoculars, even with the same size exit pupil, do not
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Small Binocular Reports: Three Families
Apr 01 2008 12:51 AM |
in Binocular Reports
This is one in a series of "Small Binocular" reports that will detail and summarize all my findings from eight months of tests and measures on over 30 binoculars
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Small Binocular Reports: The 42mm Roofs
Mar 27 2008 05:30 AM |
in Binocular Reports
This is one in a series of "Small Binocular" reports that will detail and summarize all my findings from eight months of tests and measures on over 30 binoculars.
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Small Binocular Reports: The 10 x 50s
Mar 26 2008 05:44 AM |
in Binocular Reports
This is one in a series of "Small Binocular" reports that will detail and summarize all my findings from eight months of tests and measures on over 30 binoculars
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CN Report: Small Binocular Reports A Dozen 8's
Mar 11 2008 05:35 AM |
in Binocular Reports
This is one in a series of "Small Binocular" reports that will detail and summarize all my findings from eight months of tests and measures on over 30 binoculars.
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CN Report: Oberwerk Ultra 15x70
Oct 24 2006 06:35 AM |
in Binocular Reports
The buzz on the street is all about the new "premium" binocular. There are a number of importers/distributors currently offering what appears to be the same binocular. Keep in mind, none of these
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Binocular Resolution: Handheld vs Mounted
Mar 14 2006 06:47 AM |
in Binocular Reports
The purpose of this short paper is to help binocular observers understand why a lower powered binocular is often recommended for handheld use
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CN Report: Bincoular Tests & Comparisons
Jan 22 2006 04:19 AM |
in Binocular Reports
Oberwerk 25x100 IF, Celestron 25x100 Skymaster, Garrett Optical 20x80 Gemini, Oberwerk BT100 Binocular Telescope
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CN Report: 100 Binocular Deep Sky Objects
Nov 29 2005 06:08 AM |
in Binocular Reports
This list is organized into object gruops within areas of the sky.
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