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Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is very simple.

  1. We do not automatically collect any personal information from your computer when you visit our web site.
  2. We do not sell, rent, lease, or give away to any other party any information that you may choose to give us.
  3. The only time the website tracks what you are viewing is when you are logged into the forums had have chosen to allow other users to see what posts you are viewing. You can turn off this feature by logging into your account and editing your profile. This ONLY applies when you are on the cloudynights.com website. It is impossible for a given website to view your browsing activity unless you have installed some sort of spyware (un-intentional or otherwise).
Your visits to our website are totally anonymous. If you want us to know who you are, you will have to tell us yourself by registering as a new user.

So that's our privacy policy in a nutshell. We'll never tell anybody who you are. We won't even know who you are until you choose to tell us. And we won't pester you with ads while you're on our site. If you have any questions about our policy, however, drop us an e-mail and we'll get you an answer as soon as possible.

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Cloudy Nights LLC
Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics