Mars Filter Comparison
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The following is taken from a post I made in the beginners forum based on
an observing report for the morning of 09-08-05.
This morning I compared several filters in a DSH-6 on Mars. All were used
with a 12.5mm Highlight Plossl with Ultima barlow (2.2x) for ~200x. Observations
were made from 5:00 a.m. (total darkness) to 6:00 a.m. (pre-dawn). Seeing
was good (3-1/2 out of 5) under clear skies. Mars was directly on the meridian
at the start of this session. The line-up included the following:
* Meade #23A Light Red
* Orion #80A Medium Blue
* Orion #15 Deep Yellow
* Orion Variable Polarizing Filter 1%-40% Transmission
* Baader Contrast Booster
Under dark skies this filter increased contrast of dark surface features
very noticeably. Not huge, but a definite improvement. The Southern Polar
Cap was still visible but not enhanced. As dawn approached and my dark adaption
failed this filter become too dark for use in a 6" scope. It would probably
do well in larger scopes.
Reduced glare and slightly highlighted the SPC, but was no help with surface
#15 Yellow
No help. Just thought I'd try it. Edit ? this filter did cut some glare,
as any amount of filtering would do. For me, it didn't make any more detail
Orion VP
Big improvement in very dark skies but became too much for a 6" scope as
dawn approached, even at the lowest setting. Reduces glare and overall brightness.
Best for seeing the SPC, even better than the 80A. Noticeable increased detail
in surface features. Adds no false color! Overall this was a very close second
to the Baader contrast booster in this 6" scope. I should note that during
a similar test last Friday in my DSH-8 I actually preferred this filter over
the Baader.
Best overall filter in this scope. Reduces glare markedly. Reduces overall
brightness enough to enhance both surface features and the SPC. Lets more
light thru than the VP. It adds a bit of orange to the image or maybe it just
allows the planet's true color to show thru. The 23A was close to this good
at showing surface detail in very dark skies, but the edge went to this filter.
As the sky lightened this was the last filter to remain useful.
No filter
As dawn approached and my dark adaption failed Mars was best viewed unfiltered.
If you're viewing with a barlow, try sliding the EP partway out of the barlow
and refocusing for increased power (poor man's zoom EP). When seeing allows,
the increased power may dim Mars enough to view unfiltered. Try it!