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The Eye of the Flak (Das Auge der Flak)

Dec 07 2017 02:34 PM | Micah in Books & Software

It is a rare and wondrous thing when your hobby and passion leads you to a place where you find yourself driven to pursue discover ever deepening levels of historical and technical detail of a subject and it leads to newer discoveries. It's even more satisfying sometimes when you even uncover information once thought to be lost forever to the ravages of time and a world war. A new publication, "The Eye of the Flak" by Dr. Peter DeLaet and Francis Vermeire, is just that.

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The Ages of Astrophotography 1839-2015

May 06 2017 07:36 AM | RefractorPhill in Books & Software

The author, Stefan Hughes, is a historian/ astronomer with a passion for astrophotography and genealogy (family tree research). His interest for ancestral research and the lineage of families gave rise to his first book "Catchers of the Light - The Forgotten Lives of the Men and Women who First Photographed the Heavens" in which he focuses on the background of the first astro photographers and astronomers 19th and 20th centuries. The second book, "The Ages of Astrophotography" is a must-read sequel which fits well on every astronomer's book shelf!

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If you want to Master your craft, read Lessons from the Masters

Jan 07 2015 11:10 AM | AstroDad in Books & Software

Lessons from the Masters: Current Concepts in Astronomical Image Processing (Springer, 2013.) edited by Robert Gendler is an essential addition to library of every serious astrophotographer. Gendler, who edited this 387 page work is himself a Master of the art and science of astrophotography with a rich portfolio of astrophoto accolades and achievements, including 107 NASA APOD selections. Gendler is a physician by profession and therefore technically an "amateur" astronomer. However he routinely teams with the world's leading professional observatories to create masterful images from their exquisite data sets.

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Software: Meagastar

Apr 02 2010 10:17 AM | Feidb in Windows Software

I love this program. It not only has almost every object I could possibly see with my 16” scope, it has ways to select them and

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Observing Handbook and Catalogue of Deep-Sky Objects

Apr 02 2010 10:01 AM | Feidb in Observing Books

I'm a hard-core observer and love nothing better than a good reference book with information that is relevant to my goals. Since my friend Roger and I started an Observer's Challenge with the

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Atlas of the Messier Objects: Highlights of the Deep Sky

Mar 19 2010 06:10 AM | desertstars in Observing Books

My first thought when I picked the book up was that this was going to be some heavy reading. Literally. The book weighs over five pounds and measures 12 inches by 10 inches, weight and proportions combining to make the book somewhat awkward to holding while reading. This is not a book to

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Jan 06 2010 11:21 AM | jcely7 in Special Intrest Software

IRAF, which stands for Image Reduction and Analysis Facility, is a collection of very powerful astrophysical software. It is widely used for image reduction and data analysis for

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Astronomica - Book Review

Jan 06 2010 10:28 AM | bacesp in General Interest Books

My good friend Dave recently gave me a very large and heavy hardback Astronomy book titled Astronomica. This book is

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Starry Night Special Edition v5.0.3 Software

Jan 06 2010 08:26 AM | Ed in Illinois in Windows Software

I've found this free software to actually be quite invaluable! It's extremely useful when you want to

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The Night Sky Planisphere

Jan 06 2010 07:43 AM | lemonsensation in Star Charts

This large version is about 8 inches in diameter. The text is pretty small. As someone who is new to astronomy and my need to rely on a planisphere to orient myself, I would have

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