Comet 156P/Russell-LINEAR 01-05-21 GIF
- Owner: russ75 (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Jan 07 2021 09:27 AM
- Views: 536
- Album: Comets & Asteroids

Comet 156P/Russell-LINEAR
05 January 2021 02:54-03:26UT
Magnitude: Estimated as 12.3 (green).
Field of view: 16x12 arcminutes. North is up. East is left.
Telescope: Celestron C8 (203mm f/10) at f/5. Camera ZWO ASI224MC
This 32 minute animation sequence is made up of 11 images. Each of the 11 images consists of a stack of 11-13 frames of 14.5 seconds each.
Image frames were captured, stacked, color balanced, stretched live in SharpCap. Processed into animated gif, rotated to north up, cropped and resized for upload in GIMP. Original field of view was 17X12 arcminutes.
File: 156P 0254 010521 anigif web1 crop northup Stack 11frames 160s WithDisplayStretch
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