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February 2021 Sketching Contest Winner: Saturn Venus Conjunction by Michel DECONINCK (Aquarellia)

February 2021 Sketching Contest Winner: Saturn Venus Conjunction by  Michel DECONINCK (Aquarellia)

Watercolor sketch of the Venus & Saturn morning conjunction
Near the village of Entrevennes , France , February 11, 2021

    • Daniel Mounsey, Carl H., Charles B. and 6 others like this

    Congratulations! it is a moment in time which every last one of us can relate to.

    Beautiful watercolor sketch! Love it!!


    My name is Lee DeCovnick....are we long lost family? 


    Da Bear

    It was cloudy the day that this happened and I love the watercolor! Thanks for the post!

    Congrats on this beautiful picture Michel, the colors are so vibrant. Cindy

    Sublimely beautiful Michel. As always.

    Wow! I love it. Hang that on your wall. 

    Cloudy Nights LLC
    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics