The path to the light 1/2
- Owner: lylver (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Jul 23 2021 07:27 PM
- Views: 226
- Album: Equipment, Nature, Astronomical Spots
Fan review

Here, I am the very happy owner of the C 80 900 bought from Myriam who was extremely kind to bring it to me at Rocbaron observatory (83) for the night "on the moon again ", last Sunday. I still cannot believe the visual performance and the sharpness of this glasses, I am literally captivated, and fell in love ... to get up at night, and what delicacy, what lightness, a real dancer in tutu. ( I have a 125 Apo EDF Altair , and 120 Frehel achro for solar with Modified PST).
I made him try all my eyepieces (pano 24, nikon sw , Fujiyama Or, Baader Eudia ..) Christalline : everything suits her ! even if it takes tiny color on the cheeks to x2D, but the Kellner she prefers, she remains neutral.
she will soon try Alpha's Ax with a modified PST -BF10, so she will work from noon to midnight ...
of course I could not help but photograph her in the presence of the " Boudhastram " which awarded her the diploma of the vintage glasses that kills! and to proclaim "THE PATH TO LIGHT" in the absence of the sanitary pass ...