July 2021 Sketching Contest Winner Michel (Aquarellia)
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, Jul 31 2021 11:21 PM
- Owner: frank5817 (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Jul 31 2021 11:21 PM
- Views: 3,121
- Category: CN Imaging/Sketching Contest Winners

Name: Michel Deconinck
Target: The sun from my terrace
Date: the target was sketched, July 21 2021 - 13h50 UTC
Location when sketching, Artignosc-sur-Verdon - Provence - France
Equipment: Bresser refractor - as shown -152/1200 EP zoom here 24mm, full objective filter white light.
Magnification used : 50x
Sketching medium, Sketch main pigment ink and coffee imawake.gif, plus alizarine crimson and orange for the sun.
Conditions (seeing, transparency). Quality AAVSO Solar: 3/4, some light clouds, temperature 32°C.
- Rollo, Brian Albin, Mike Allen and 10 others like this
I absolutely love this!