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August, 2021 Winner Messier 16 (Eagle Nebula) by Raul Leon

August, 2021 Winner Messier 16 (Eagle Nebula) by Raul Leon

Raul Leon
Date of sketch: 8/7/2021
object: Messier 16 (Eagle nebula)
location: Chiefland Florida
equipment: 14.5” Starstructure Dob f/4.3
Eyepiece: 21mm Ethos
filter: Lumicon H Beta
Magnification: 115x
Sketching medium: white charcoal pencils w/blending stump on Strathmore black artist tile
Object type: DSO
conditions: 7/10 transparency 9/10 seeing

    • Akarsh Simha, paul m schofield, Sasa and 10 others like this

    Sep 15 2021 11:34 PM
    Wow!!! That looks amazing! If you see this message Mr.Leon, I really would like some insight on your technique. This looks truly astonishing.
    Sep 16 2021 05:50 AM

    Very nice as always indeed Raul!

    Very nice makes me want to get my sketch pad out I've only been observing visually and taking photos with the cellphone haven't done much sketching this year... Congratulations

    Very nice 

    It looks like what you actually see

    Fantastic sketch, Raul.  Well done!

    Michael Tomich
    Sep 20 2021 01:21 PM

    Great work!

    Oct 08 2021 09:53 PM

    Looks great! Congrats on the win!

    Can anyone link me to resources where I can learn about sketching in this medium please? Sincere Thanks in anticipation.

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