ROR retrofit with support beams added
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, Oct 09 2021 06:31 PM
- Owner: Travellingbears (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Oct 09 2021 06:31 PM
- Views: 208
- Album: Travellingbears
I’m almost finished with gantry support at this pic. This week I added the pair of 2x4 at top between the vertical 4x4 end posts and the pair of 45-degree supports with cripple blocks. I also removed the temporary 2x4 which had been inserted at mid-span (used as support to ‘rest’ roof panels on gantry rails when I was lifting roof into place) . Ran the roof open/closed a few times with the motor and I could detect less vibration in the 4x4 vertical posts with added cross-supports.