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M33 with ASI183MM And Sony NEX 5N (small)

M33 with ASI183MM And Sony NEX 5N (small)

This is a combination of a one-shot-color image that I took in 2015 and a luminance-only version that I took in October 2021. The color was taken at a dark site using an unmodified Sony NEX-5N camera on a Tele Vue NP127is while the luminance was taken from my home under Bortle 7 skies using a Stellarvue SV80ST2 and a ZWO ASI183MM Pro. The one hour of integration time that I got at the dark site was a fairly good match to the 7.5 hours of luminance that I took from home so I decided to do a quick combination of the two sets of data to produce this LRGB image.

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    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics