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NGC7320 Quintet 115 Clipped Stack 270frames 2700s

NGC7320 Quintet 115 Clipped Stack 270frames 2700s

NGC73230 and Stephan's Quintet
EAA+ 45 minute view

This was clipped from an EAA view that captured Stephan's Quintet and 7331

It is the wrong scope to image these objects (these are better suited for my 8" SCT EAA rig or using monochrome), but this is my new Scope and Camera combination. This is compensated for by viewing a bit longer in time to make up for the slower EAA speed.

AT115EDT with dedicated reducer/corrector
ASI2600mc pro camera at 0C
10 second subs, 400 gain, darks no flats

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    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics