NGC 281 Pacman Nebula - 2022
- Owner: TheTadpole (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Oct 11 2022 05:05 PM
- Views: 148
- Album: TheTadpole Astrophotography
Multi-night project combining 2 hours of data from a Bortle 6 site (used as the broadband data for star colors) with around 8 hours of data from Bortle 9 Berwyn with the new L-Ultimate filter for the nebula. Very pleased with the results, much better halos on the stars compared to the L-Extreme. Thanks for looking and Clear Skies!
Imaging telescope / lens
TS Optics Apochromatic 90/600 mm TS APO 90/600
Imaging camera
ZWO Optical 533 MC Pro (CMOS)
Equatorial Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
Guiding telescope / lens
ZWO Optical Refractor 30mm/120 mm ZWO 30F4 Miniscope
Guiding camera
ZWO Optical ZWO ASI120 Mini (CMOS)
Baader Planetarium Light pollution Moon and Skyglow Neodymium 2.00"
Optolong Multi-Narrowband L-Ultimate 2.00"
Focal reducer TS Optics .79X Reducer
Processed with
GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)
DSS (DeepSkyStacker)
DeNoise (Topaz Labs) 3.7