September 2022 Sketching Contest Winner Andrew (Nightowl99) Congratulations Andrew
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, Oct 15 2022 11:00 PM
- Owner: frank5817 (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Oct 15 2022 11:00 PM
- Views: 3,316
- Category: CN Imaging/Sketching Contest Winners

NGC 6960 - The Western Veil
x70 magnification
10” GSO Dob coma corrected to f/5.4
Stellarvue Optimus 20 mm
Lumicon gen 3 Oiii filter
9/24/22, Mt Pinos, CA
Seeing 4/5, Transparency 4/5
Sketched on black paper at the eyepiece with white Conte pencil for stars and white pastel applied by brush for nebula. Stars are highlighted afterwards with white gel pen.
- Joe Bergeron, stevie, FloridaObserver and 10 others like this
Excellent 👍
- Nightowl99 likes this
I do appreciate these sketches and admire the skill and patience required to produce them at the eyepiece.
- Nightowl99 likes this
Love it!
Beautiful work. There should be a calendar made or a book of these winning sketches,so much talent and dedication on display.
A fine observing document of a fine target!