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November 2022: Sketching Contest Winner is TomC. Congratulations Tom Corstjens!

November 2022: Sketching Contest Winner is TomC.  Congratulations Tom Corstjens!

TomC. (Tom Corstjens)
NGC 559 / Caldwell 8 (Cassiopeia)
September 25, 2022
Grandpré, France (Bortle 3)
Dobson 16" f4.2 / Paracorr
Delos 8mm (250x)
Black pen, graphite pencil on white paper
Seeing: moderate - Transparency: good

    • Daniel Mounsey, FloridaObserver, TheBigEye and 2 others like this

    Very well done! I struggle mightily with simple OCs & globulars, I can never get my stars sized right in relation to their magnitude. It seems like the simplest thing to sketch but it never comes out right for me.

    Excellent job on the faint members 

    Very detailed sketch!  Congrats Tom!

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