IC1795 Fish Head Nebula
Uploaded by
, Jan 15 2023 10:08 AM
- Owner: jprideaux (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Jan 15 2023 10:08 AM
- Views: 381
- Album: imaging

IC1795 Fish Head Nebula captured with the Vespera Telescope from a bortle 7 location. Image 3 hours 15 minutes mosaic mode. 1169 stacked 10 second exposures.
I mistakenly deleted the TIFF file off the Vespera so was only able to get the final JPEG.
The JPEG post-processed by using starXterminator to get different layers with "no stars" and "stars only" and then doing a curves on the "no stars" to bring out the nebulosity as well as increasing the saturation a bit. Then applied Topaz Anti Noise (low light option) on the "no stars" layer. Then combined back in the "stars only" layer.