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December 2022 Sketching Contest Winner is Michel Deconinck (Aquarellia) Congratulations Michel!

December 2022 Sketching Contest Winner is Michel Deconinck (Aquarellia)  Congratulations Michel!

Michel Deconinck (Aquarellia)
The Moon approaching Mars in the 2023 Beyond the Season’s Greetings
2022 December 7th - 17h15 UTC (18h15 local time)
Artignosc-sur-Verdon - Provence - France
Equipment used: Naked eye and reverse watercolor
Magnification used: 1
Sketching medium and materials: Canson watercolor 300gr paper, Winsor & Newton watercolor artist pigments, scanner & Paint.net
Conditions: Seeing and Transparency: Some scattered and transparent clouds
I walked through my small village (250 people) the day before the occultation of Mars by the Moon to see the Mars/Moon encounter.
I did that with the idea of wishing you all a happy and healthy new year 2023.

    • Sheridan, FloridaObserver, Carl H. and 17 others like this

    Wow, am I looking at a picture? No, that’s an amazing sketch! Michael, your works always inspire! Amazing - congratulations and best to you, too, in 2023!


      • Aquarellia likes this

    Simply stunning.  Thank you for such beautiful work.  

      • Aquarellia likes this
    Jan 16 2023 08:20 PM

    Wow, that’s beautiful!

    Exquisite, truly hard to believe that is a drawing. You have a great talent. Makes me feel like I am standing on that street.
    The colors!...and shading

    Michel, this is gorgeous!  It would make an awesome holiday card.  



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