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Asteroids (484) Pittsburghia & (2209) Tianjin 01-28-2023 GIF

Astrophotography Celestron CMOS Imaging SCT

Asteroids (484) Pittsburghia & (2209) Tianjin 01-28-2023 GIF

January 28, 2023 05:09:39-05:57:44 UT
50-minute time lapse animation.
Minor Planet Center Predicted Vmags: (484) Pittsburghia 13.6; (2209) Tianjin 15.1
9 images, each a stack of 4 @ 90 seconds. Gain 200
FOV: 30.5’x17.1’
North up. East left.
Seeing: Fair; Crescent Moon Nearby
Celestron C8 (203mm SCT f/10) operating at f/5.8 (Celestron f/6.3 Focal Reducer/Flattener + spacers)
Captured with SharpCap Pro
Processed with Deep Sky Stacker, GIMP

A484 2209 anim scale 600x334 crop 1830x1018 8bit index levels1 curves1 1920x1080 012823 050939 055744Z ST9 4@90 Autosave.reg

    Cloudy Nights LLC
    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics