Mars February 5 2023
- Owner: frank5817 (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Feb 08 2023 11:39 AM
- Views: 186
- Album: frank5817's photos

Seeing detail is now becoming more difficult.
Sinuses Sabaeus through Meridiani through Margaritifer to Aurorae were seen from preceding to following limb. Acidalium and Niliacus Lacus visible in the north. Some haze visible in the south polar region. Limb brightening from south through preceding limb to the north.
Sketching Materials and Equipment
For this sketch I used color pencil dust applied with a blending stump, graphite HB pencil, eraser, white copy paper, Gimp2.10 to cut the sketch and move to a black background. Seeing 4/5, Transparency 3/5.
Telescope 16” f/4.41 6mm, 4mm eyepieces 298x, 448x respectively, filters used neodymium and single polarizing to improve contrasts. Scope on an equatorial platform.