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Thor's Helmet (NGC 2359)

DSO Astrophotography


J. DeM.

Thor's Helmet (NGC 2359)

Here is Thor's helmet (NGC 2359), an emission nebula in Canis Major, discovered by William Herschel in 1785. The star in the center of the nebula is a Wolf-Rayet star WR7 (HD 56925), that contributes to the filamentous aspect of the nebula as it interacts with a nearby molecular cloud. The oxygen atoms present in the gas cloud are the source of the blue emissions.
Techkies: Telescope: Esprit 100DE, Camera: ToupTek 26mp Sony Imx571 1.8" Aps-c CMOS Sensor, Mount: SkyWatcher eq6-R pro, Astronomik filters: LRGB and HSO 6nm filters. Integration: Approximately 20 photos each of red, green, and blue filters at 60 seconds each, and approximately 55 HSO narrowband filter at 300 seconds each. Total integration time of approximately 6 hours (plus calibration frames).

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    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics