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February 2023 Sketching Contest Winner is Andrew (Nightowl99) Congratulations Andrew!

February 2023 Sketching Contest Winner is Andrew (Nightowl99)   Congratulations Andrew!

(Nightowl99) Andrew
M42 and M43, Orion Nebula
150x magnification
14” Dobstuff ETT coma corrected to f/5.5
APM XWA 13 mm
2/19/23 Amboy Crater, CA
Seeing 2/5, Transparency 3/5
Sketched on black paper at the eyepiece with white Conte pencil for stars and white pastel applied by brush for the nebula. Stars are highlighted afterwards with white gel pen.

    • Joe Bergeron, vkhastro1, Astrojensen and 16 others like this

    Regulus 1.36
    Mar 16 2023 06:55 AM
    Beautiful! 😲
    Awesome rendering
    Mar 17 2023 09:14 AM

    Nicely rendered!

    Terrific detail in the cloud! I’m curious if you could see all the little stars around the Trapezium. A month ago I was using a 17mm ethos in a 12” F/5 and I could count over 30 of them (I need to get a drawing pad). Granted it was very dark and steady, plus they were sparkling in and out. I’d never seen that before in 12” Dob. But then again here in the north state I haven’t seen a night that steady in years.
      • Bob Campbell likes this
    Mar 20 2023 04:16 PM

    Amazing detail, great nebulosity. How did you add the pastel without ruining your night vision?

    Bob Campbell
    Mar 21 2023 09:36 PM

    Beautiful sketch! Got the trapezium as well as the dark dust column below.


    What is the Bortle there?


    If you use your imagination, it looks like a furry squirrel carrying a basket of 6 eggs! (as viewed from above)



    You have captured so much of the subtle beauty in this nebula and it looks so natural!

    Amboy is one of my favorite locations.  I was there on the 19-20 along with my friend Gerry, (22inch Dob).  I am sure we spoke during the evening.  I had a 14.5" Dob and was imaging with a small refractor.  We were getting SQM readings of about 21.65.  We may try for April.

      • sunfunchicago likes this
    Andrea Salati
    Mar 26 2023 07:45 PM

    What a talent! Congratulations for so skillfully capturing the beauty of one of my favorite objects.

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