Sunrise over Gassendi
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, Apr 03 2023 01:18 AM
- Owner: Alex65 (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Apr 03 2023 01:18 AM
- Camera: Canon PowerShot G9 X
- Taken: 2023:04:01 21:55:58
- Views: 124
- Album: The Moon
An afocal photo taken with the Orion XT6 Dob and showing the crater Gassendi just past local sunrise (Lunar day 11). To the SW, not well photographed but prominent when viewed through the eyepiece, are the Hippalus Rilles. You can just about see the two notches through Gassendi's NE wall. Through the eyepiece I could also see the rilles I, III and IV clearly on the floor.