M31 with the Vespera telescope, post-processed
- Owner: jprideaux (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Apr 08 2023 11:40 AM
- Camera: VAONIS vespera-e45f0191ea06
- Taken: 2023:04:08 11:32:42
- Views: 443
- Album: imaging

I went back in my collected image archives and gave another post-processing attempt on a 3.5 hour integration of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) that I took back in November of last year with my 50mm Vespera telescope (mosaic mode) when I was on a family trip to the South-rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. My astronomy apps say that my precise location of the capture was about a bortle 1.5. There was no moon out and clear conditions - although VERY cold at the time. I also made a video of my computer screen as I did the post-processing and that is shown at the link below to show you exactly what I did. The Vespera itself gives you an un-stretched single TIFF file output which I then used here. The Vesper is also capable of storing off all the individual FITs files but I did not have that enabled.