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Messier 5 June 17, 2023

Messier 5 June 17, 2023

Messier 5 Globular Cluster
My favorite globular cluster target is M-5. On this evening M-5 was well positioned for
observing just after dark. The appeal of M-5 for me is the bright glowing egg
shaped core with arching sprinkles of stars curving out from the center. As you
move out from the core the star density gradually drops off creating a very
pleasing view.

Sketching and Equipment
Date and Time: 06-18-2023, 04:00 UT
Scope: 16” f/4.41 Dobsonian, 9 mm eyepiece 200 X
8”x12” black sketching paper, pencils,
blending stump,
Seeing: Pickering 8/10
Transparency: Excellent 4/5
Frank McCabe

    Cloudy Nights LLC
    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics