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NGC 6522 and NGC 6528

NGC 6522 and NGC 6528

Pair of globular clusters in Sagittarius visible in the same field of view near the teapot spout at visual magnitude 8.3 and 25.1 kly. and v. mag, 10.65 and 25.8 kly. respectively
Sketching 9” x 12” white sketching paper 6B, HB graphite sketching pencils scanned and inverted.
Scope: 16” f/4.41 Dobsonian: 26 mm widefield eyepiece at 66x.
Seeing: Pickering 7/10; Transparency above average 3/5
Approximate Location: R.A. 18 hours Dec. -30deg.
Have not sketched this pair since June 21, 2012
Frank McCabe :)

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    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics