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July 2023 Sketching Contest Winner is Tom Corstjens. Congratulations Tom!

July 2023 Sketching Contest Winner is Tom Corstjens. Congratulations Tom!

Name: Tom Corstjens (TomC)
Object: Messier 53 - Coma Berenices
Date: 14 June 2023
Location: at home (Hombeek, Belgium)
Equipment: Dobson 409mm f/4.2 + Paracorr
Magnification: 400x (BGO 5mm eyepiece)
Tools: white paper, graphite pencil, black fineliner, GIMP2
Seeing: moderate / Transparency: good

    • geminijk, John O'Hara, russell23 and 14 others like this

    Aug 16 2023 10:51 AM
    That’s beautiful. I’ve always admire people who could do this!

    Nice sketch!!! Congrats

    Regulus 1.36
    Aug 16 2023 12:11 PM
    Nice! 🤙

    That's really good 

    Soooo good!

      • yuji22 likes this

    Such an incredible likeness of the eyepiece view and not as sterile as a photograph. Sue French writes that one of the main differences between the views of these objects captured in photographic images and the view at the eyepiece is that in the eyepiece, you can better detect the incredible difference in stellar magnitudes between the faint and the brighter stars. Only a small fraction of the Airy disc is seen by the eye when looking at the faint pinpoints and it helps me to appreciate the awesome distances and differences in the stars.  

      • Astro-Master and Seawild like this

    Proficiat Tom, grandioos!!!

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