ngc1097 C67 150m Stack 358frames 3580s stretch trim label
Uploaded by
Mark Lovik
, Oct 22 2023 04:29 AM
- Owner: Mark Lovik (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Oct 22 2023 04:29 AM
- Views: 155
- Album: EAA Challenges and Images 2023

Caldwell 67, NGC 1097, Arp 77
Barred Spiral Seyfert Galaxy in Fornax
60 min EAA, 0.80 x 0.53 deg
Quattro 150P with coma corrector/reducer, 0.95" pixel scale
ASI178mm - 350 gain, 10s subs, darks, no flats
Just getting started with this scope as a small galaxy rig. Things can be optimized, but good enough for now. NGC 1097 really does well with this modest monochrome setup.