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ngc1097 C67 150m Stack 358frames 3580s stretch trim label

ngc1097 C67  150m Stack 358frames 3580s stretch trim label

Caldwell 67, NGC 1097, Arp 77
Barred Spiral Seyfert Galaxy in Fornax
60 min EAA, 0.80 x 0.53 deg


Quattro 150P with coma corrector/reducer, 0.95" pixel scale
ASI178mm - 350 gain, 10s subs, darks, no flats

Just getting started with this scope as a small galaxy rig. Things can be optimized, but good enough for now. NGC 1097 really does well with this modest monochrome setup.

    Cloudy Nights LLC
    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics