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HorseHead - Vespera - post-processed

HorseHead - Vespera - post-processed

HorseHead - Vespera - post-processed
Captured on 10/23/2023 from a bortle 3.5 location using the Vaonis dual-band filter using the Vespera built-in mosaic mode.
The sub-count was up to 1019. which means about 170 minutes or about 2.8 hours.
The stacked but not stretched TIF file output was loaded into Affinity Photo and the following performed:

  • Tone-mapping personal for a crude stretch
  • Tweaked a number of things in the tone-mapping personal
  • Used StarXterminator to make a layer of no-stars and just-stars.
  • did a little more editing and used Topaz anti-noise on the no-stars layer.
  • added the stars back in.

    • ETXer, Jim in Sweden and Zednik like this

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