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Asteroids (55) Pandora & (60) Echo 10-31-23 (GIF)

Asteroids (55) Pandora & (60) Echo 10-31-23 (GIF)

Asteroids (55) Pandora & (60) Echo with galaxies IC 1496 and IC 1492 in the background.
IC 1496 is Vmag 15.5 and IC 1492 is Vmag 15.2.
October 31, 2023 04:04:12-06:04:00UT
Two-hour time lapse animation. North up. East left.
Minor Planet Center Predicted Vmags: (55) Pandora 11.6; (60) Echo 12.3
8 images, each a stack of 90 @ 10 seconds. Gain 350
FOV: 93.8 x 51.5 arcmin/1.56° x 0.86° (cropped size for animation)
Seeing: Poor Transparency: Good Sky Condition: Bortle 7 with nearly full Moon 70° to the East.
Telescope: Orion ST-80 (80 mm f/5) + Orion Field Flattener + Baader Fringe Killer Filter
Camera: ZWO ASI482MC
Guide Scope: SVBONY SV165 (30 mm f/4)
Mount: Celestron CGEM
Captured with SharpCap Pro
Processed with Deep Sky Stacker, GIMP
Guiding: PHD2

55 60 final anim1c1 anno 8 Bit indexed 103123 040412 060400z 800x439 grad Stack 90frames 900s.reg

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