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M33 - SeeStar
Uploaded by
, Nov 19 2023 08:45 AM
- Owner: jprideaux (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Nov 19 2023 08:45 AM
- Taken: 2023:11:19 08:21:11
- Views: 720
- Category: Smart Telescope Images

M33 - SeeStar
Taken on 11/18/2023 from a bortle 3.5 location after the moon had set.
2 hours and 37 minute of subs.
Single stacked FIT file post-processed as follows:
- color correction in ASTAP and file exported as a TIFF.
- TIFF imported into Affinity Photo and edited there also using the RC-Astro StarXTerminator and Topaz Anti-noise plugins. Then cropped and exported as a jpg.
Image META information
1#090 | %G |
IPTC.ObjectName | Stacked_M 33_10.0s_IRCUT_20231119-044146 |
IPTC.Caption | SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 3 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 1080 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 1920 / length of data axis 2 NAXIS3 = 3 / length of data axis 3 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H BZERO = 32768 / offset data range to that of unsigned short BSCALE = 1 / default scaling factor CREATOR = 'ZWO SeestarS50' / Capture software XORGSUBF= 0 / Subframe X position in binned pixels YORGSUBF= 0 / Subframe Y position in binned pixels FOCALLEN= 250 / Focal length of telescope in mm XBINNING= 1 / Camera X Bin YBINNING= 1 / Camera Y Bin CCDXBIN = 1 / Camera X Bin CCDYBIN = 1 / Camera Y Bin XPIXSZ = 2.90000009536743 / pixel size in microns (with binning) YPIXSZ = 2.90000009536743 / pixel size in microns (with binning) IMAGETYP= 'Light ' / Type of image STACKCNT= 948 / Stack frames EXPOSURE= 10. / Exposure time in seconds EXPTIME = 10. / |
File Name | gallery_294689_359_349098.jpg |
Unix Timestamp | 1700401517 |
Original File Size | 468334 |
File Type | 2 |
Mime Type | image/jpeg |
Sections Found | ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF |
HTML Sizes | width="1078" height="1603" |
Image Height | 1603 |
Image Width | 1078 |
Color | TRUE |
Byte Order Motorola | TRUE |
Image Description | SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 3 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 1080 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 1920 / length of data axis 2 NAXIS3 = 3 / length of data axis 3 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy COMMENT and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H BZERO = 32768 / offset data range to that of unsigned short BSCALE = 1 / default scaling factor CREATOR = 'ZWO SeestarS50' / Capture software XORGSUBF= 0 / Subframe X position in binned pixels YORGSUBF= 0 / Subframe Y position in binned pixels FOCALLEN= 250 / Focal length of telescope in mm XBINNING= 1 / Camera X Bin YBINNING= 1 / Camera Y Bin CCDXBIN = 1 / Camera X Bin CCDYBIN = 1 / Camera Y Bin XPIXSZ = 2.90000009536743 / pixel size in microns (with binning) YPIXSZ = 2.90000009536743 / pixel size in microns (with binning) IMAGETYP= 'Light ' / Type of image STACKCNT= 948 / Stack frames EXPOSURE= 10. / Exposure time in seconds EXPTIME = 10. / Exposure time in seconds CCD-TEMP= 5.5625 / sensor temperature in C RA = 23.8875 / Object Right Ascension in degrees DEC = 30.846111 / Object Declination in degrees DATE-OBS= '2023-11-19T09:41:26.186183' / Image created time FILTER = 'IRCUT ' / Filter used when taking image INSTRUME= 'Seestar S50' / Camera model BAYERPAT= 'GRBG ' / Bayer pattern GAIN = 80 / Gain Value FOCUSPOS= 1612 / Focuser position in steps TELESCOP= 'Seestar S50' / Telescope name CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN-SIP' / TAN (gnomic) projection + SIP distortions CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN-SIP' / TAN (gnomic) projection + SIP distortions CRVAL1 = 23.3883511719 / RA of reference point CRVAL2 = 30.6847622005 / DEC of reference point CRPIX1 = 567.06987381 / X reference pixel CRPIX2 = 1182.57861328 / Y reference pixel CD1_1 = -0.00025215735922 / Transformation matrix CD1_2 = -0.000609540194394 / no comment CD2_1 = 0.000609853390997 / no comment CD2_2 = -0.000252165260606 / no comment A_ORDER = 2 / Polynomial order, axis 1 B_ORDER = 2 / Polynomial order, axis 2 AP_ORDER= 2 / Inv polynomial order, axis 1 BP_ORDER= 2 / Inv polynomial order, axis 2 A_0_0 = 0 / no comment A_0_1 = 0 / no comment A_0_2 = 5.40788537899E-09 / no comment A_1_0 = 0 / no comment A_1_1 = 1.42584551551E-07 / no comment A_2_0 = -2.16825106112E-07 / no comment B_0_0 = 0 / no comment B_0_1 = 0 / no comment B_0_2 = 1.4068566131E-07 / no comment B_1_0 = 0 / no comment B_1_1 = 9.23604055192E-08 / no comment B_2_0 = -5.85267426394E-07 / no comment AP_0_0 = -1.34914339282E-06 / no comment AP_0_1 = -8.3200220804E-09 / no comment AP_0_2 = -5.41046904805E-09 / no comment AP_1_0 = 1.387561864E-08 / no comment AP_1_1 = -1.42597278364E-07 / no comment AP_2_0 = 2.16843360682E-07 / no comment BP_0_0 = -1.70278721071E-06 / no comment BP_0_1 = -1.82404900225E-08 / no comment BP_0_2 = -1.40713653937E-07 / no comment BP_1_0 = 5.37790550648E-08 / no comment BP_1_1 = -9.23622249156E-08 / no comment BP_2_0 = 5.85327533476E-07 / no comment IMAGEW = 1080 / Image width, in pixels. IMAGEH = 1920 / Image height, in pixels. END |
Orientation | The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side |
X-Resolution | 72/1 |
Y-Resolution | 72/1 |
Resolution Unit | 2 |
Software | ASTAP |
Date Taken | 2023:11:19 08:21:11 |
Color Space | sRGB |
Image Length | 1603 |
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