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Stacked19 OCL 742 30.0s Bin1 294MC gain121 20240112 231755 0.3C

Stacked19 OCL 742 30.0s Bin1 294MC gain121 20240112 231755  0.3C

Collinder 197 is an Open Cluster in the Vela Constellation which is easily visible from the southern hemisphere.

Image from my EAA session on 12-01-2024
ASIAIR Plus (32GB) in Live Stacking mode with calibration frames and no post processing.

Calibration Frames:
Master Dark (Stack 20, Exp 30.0s, Bin1, Gain121, cooled to 0°C)
Master Bias (Stack 50, Exp 0.001s, Bin1, Gain121, cooled to 0°C)

Exposure: 30 seconds, Unguided, Uncropped image
Time: 10 minutes

    Cloudy Nights LLC
    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics