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NGC 1535 (Cleopatra's Eye Nebula)

Astrophotography DSO Imaging Reflector

NGC 1535 (Cleopatra's Eye Nebula)

Target: NGC1535
Dates: 2024-01-25
Locations: Slooh Observatory, Chile (Bortle 4)

Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME (Mk4000)
Camera: Diffraction Limited SBIG STL-11000M
OTA: EdgeHD 1400 Schmidt-Cassegrain Catadioptric (SCT)
Focal/Aperture: 3910 mm @ f/11
Filters: SBIG (LRGB)

Lights: [L]1x50s + [R]1x25s + [G]1x25s + [B]1x25s (total exposure: 2min)
Calibration frames: 8xbiases, 36xdarks, 2xflats/filter
Binning: 3x3; Temp: -30C

Stacked and Processed in PixInsight

    Cloudy Nights LLC
    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics