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Crab 2024 SHO RGB 1




Crab 2024 SHO RGB 1

Here is my image of M1, the Crab nebula, a supernova remnant in the constellation Taurus. The supernova was first witnessed in 1054 by a Chinese astronomer.
The total integration time for this image was of approximately 13 hours.
Techkies: Telescope: Esprit 100DE, Camera: ToupTek 26mp Sony Imx571 1.8" Aps-c CMOS Sensor, Mount: SkyWatcher eq6-R pro,
Astronomik filters, narrowband 6 nm. Integration: Approximately 40 photos each of red, green, and blue filters at 60 seconds each used for the stars and part of the nebula, and 110 HSO narrowband filters HSO at 300 seconds each for the nebula and Ha was also used for luminosity.

    Cloudy Nights LLC
    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics