February 2024 Sketching Contest winner is Robert Asumendi. Congratulations Robert on your Solar active region sketch.
- Owner: frank5817 (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Mar 15 2024 11:05 PM
- Views: 1,642
- Category: CN Imaging/Sketching Contest Winners
Robert Asumendi (robertasumendi)
Target: Solar active region (AR) 13576
Dates: Feb. 6, Feb. 8, Feb. 10
Location: Springfield, Oregon, USA
Equipment: Analog Sky Sunny @ f/6, Baader Morpheus 4.5mm x2, Svbony SV215 Zoom @ 3mm x2, Baader Semi-Apo filter x2, Baader solar continuum filter
Magnification: 67x, 100x
Sketching medium: Strathmore charcoal paper, Graphite powder, mechanical pencil, Mono Zero eraser
Conditions: Cloudy to Clear with mostly ok seeing and a few good moments
- Mike Allen, rerun, Knasal and 5 others like this
Great details, Robert! Your binocular designs are intriguing. Do you mount them on a tracker when sketching?
- robertasumendi likes this
Great details, Robert! Your binocular designs are intriguing. Do you mount them on a tracker when sketching?
Thanks! No I don't own a tracking mount, just bumping it along.100x is a little annoying but not too bad. In binoculars you see more detail at lower mag so that helps.
cool thing. And great to name the sketch.
Guess what I thought you sketched? A space shuttle breaking apart.