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Messier 81 (Bode's Galaxy)


Copyright © 2024 by Allan F. Cobb, all rights reserved

Messier 81 (Bode's Galaxy)

The M81 (left) galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major as imaged by a Vaonis Vespera (Classic) smart telescope using a City Light Suppression filter in a Bortle 7 zone, 540 stacked 10-second exposures, with post processing in Adobe CS5 and Luminar Neo with noise reduction using Topaz Denoise AI.

M81, also known as Bode's Galaxy, is a grand design spiral galaxy approximately 12 million light years distant. Its diameter is approximately 96,000 light years across, slightly larger than our Milky Way (which is about 87,000 light years in diameter).
M81 (540 exp)

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