April 2024 Sketching Contest Winner is Civet. Congratulations Civet on your Total Solar Eclipse sketch.
- Owner: frank5817 (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: May 15 2024 11:09 PM
- Taken: 2024:04:20 22:23:04
- Views: 2,170
- Category: CN Imaging/Sketching Contest Winners

Sun (during total solar eclipse)
April 8, 2024
Waco, Texas, USA (Eclipse Over Texas)
4cm F10.5 binoculars m12 x
Black paper, pencil white paint, Japanese brush. I first sketched it with a pencil on black paper in about 3 minutes during totality, and later repainted it with white paint using a Japanese brush.
Seeing:3-5, Transparency: 2-5(thin clouds)
In actual visual observation, at first glance, only the brightest part of the inner ring of the corona was visible, but when I looked closely, I could see that it was spreading thinly to the periphery. The red color at the bottom is intended to represent the chromosphere that was visible just before the third contact. At the end of the totality, the chromosphere emerged from beneath the ring of bright prominences, and a diamond ring emerged from it. Those who watched this solar eclipse probably know about these, but personally, I was most moved by this one!
- Special Ed, George N, dipugeo and 10 others like this
wonderful! congratulations.