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Craters Hansteen, Billy and Mons Hansteen

Craters Hansteen, Billy and Mons Hansteen

Sketching: Black Strathmore 400 Artagain paper, 9”x12”, white and black Conte’ pastel pencils, white Pearl eraser, blending stumps
Telescope 16” f/4.41 Dobsonian telescope masked down to10” (poor seeing) on an equatorial drive platform at 299 x with 6mm eyepiece
Date: 05-21-2024, 04:30 – 05:55 UT
Seeing: Antoniadi IV
Colongitude: 66.8 °
Lunation: 13 days
Illumination :94 %
Frank McCabe

    Cloudy Nights LLC
    Cloudy Nights Sponsor: Astronomics