- Owner: Gallery Images (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Sep 19 2016 12:25 PM
- Views: 3,334
- Category: CN Imaging/Sketching Contest Winners
Feb/Nov 2014 Winner - Sketching's Finalist - Erix
14.16-day-old Moon
2014 Feb 14, 0120 - 0530 UT
Erika Rix
Capture Location: Central Texas
Equipment:102mm f/9.8 refractor, LXD75, 13% T filter, Hyperion zoom set at 20mm, 50x
Observing conditions: S: Antoniadi II, T: 5/6, Temp 39F, H: 38%
Sketch details: Eyepiece sketch on black Strathmore Artagain paper, white Conte crayon and pastel pencil, black and white charcoal pencils, blending stump
Processing: scanned and then adjusted contrast and cropped in Photoshop
- DeeKinger, jdreh, Jethro64 and 2 others like this