August 2016 Winner - Beginning and Intermediate Imaging Finalist - jlandy
jlandy (John Landreneau)
The Eastern Veil in Cygnus
AT72ED w/ 0.8x flattener
Astronomik Ha 7nm: 72x300" bin 1x1
Astronomik OIII 12nm: 20x300" bin 1x1
Orion Atlas EQ-G
Guiding telescope or lens: Orion Starshoot autoguider, w/50mm Finder
Software: Sequence Generator Pro Seqence Generator Pro, PixInsight 1.8 PixInsinght 1.8 RC7
Accessory: Astro-Tech 0.8x reducer/field flattener
Dates: July 14, 2016, Aug. 3, 2016, Aug. 4, 2016
Integration: 7.7 hours
Locations: John Landreneau, Pawcatuck, CT, United States
dawsonian2000, denis0007dl, StarMike8SE and 4 others like this
I think this one is absolutely stunning. Well done John.