- Owner: admin (View all images and albums)
- Uploaded: Feb 17 2017 02:06 PM
- Views: 8,975
- Category: CN Imaging/Sketching Contest Winners

CCD Imaging & Processing forum
Here is a 2x2 mosaic of the Heart Nebula that I made in narrowband (SHO). I shot 18 600 second subs per filter per panel, so 216 subs (before rejection) in total which took me about 36 hours over the course of 8 nights between August 2016 and Jan 2017. Images were taken from my home in central Maryland.
Gear -
OTA: Orion 8" f3.9 Newt
Camera: SBIG STF-8300m w/ Astrodon 5nm filters
Mount: Orion Atlas Pro
Guiding: Orion Magnificient Mini with SSAG
Image acquisition with Sequence Generator Pro, PlateSolve2, Cartes du Ciel, and PHD2
- gene williams, AnhTuan, darkstar3d and 13 others like this
Perfect! Looks like something Hubble would pull off! So cool too see this quality of a picture from the ground! Amazing job!!