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Horsehead Region

Horsehead Region

    Wonderful photo. I love the star filter on the brighter stars. Is this a composite?
    Thanks. It's not a composite, it's a shot with a Takahashi Epsilon 160. No star filter - they're diffraction spikes from the secondary spider. Suk
    I agree with Shultze, I love the defraction spikes. It makes the picture more interesting and appealing! Charles
    I love photos of the Horsehead region. It is a magical area. Fabulous shot.
    A true master of the art.
    Outstanding! Extremely professional.
    Yup, helluva shot. I'm thinking of posting one - no where near this standard though :?
    suk lee, you have posted some of the best DSO'S ive ever seen ! great work with exposure times and compositing, youre the king!
    Jul 09 2005 07:24 PM
    Wow. Suk, you've got your imaging down tight. You images are wanderful. Thanks for sharing!
    geez, that's amazing!

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