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For this sketch I used: black Strathmore 400 Artagain paper 9”x12”, white and black Conte’ pastel pencils and a blending stump. Telesccope: 10 inch f/ 5.7 Dobsonian and 9 mm eyepiece 161X Date: 4-29-2007 2:45-3:45 UT Temperature: 18° C (65° F) Clear, calm Seeing: Antoniadi III Colongitude 51.8 ° Lunation 11.6 days Illumination 90.5 % Frank McCabe

    Are you a professional artist?
    Kim, No I am not, but I have always enjoyed drawing a little. When I could find the time while on vacation I would practice a little and draw at the eyepiece of a telescope. Lately during the last year I have been trying to improve my drawing skills. I got a lot of help in the sketching forum from the nice folks over there. You will be amazed at how well those ladies and gentlemen can draw.A friendly helpful bunch of folks. There are some great tutorials at the top of the page. Frank
    Very nice sketch, Frank. :)
    Jimbo, Thank you much.I'm glad you like it. :)
    Frank, That is good stuff man, really good. Thanks, Matt
    Matt, Thank you very much. I am glad you liked it. Hope you get some quality time at the eyepiece this summer. :) Frank

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