Posted 01 November 2009 - 02:09 PM
Posted 01 November 2009 - 03:02 PM
Frankly, I don't like to use non-Brandons with the Q. In my experience, they always seem to exhibit a little slop in the eyepiece holder and shift slightly off-axis when the screws are snugged down to secure them. The threaded Brandons are always centered, always secure, and they afford great views.
Posted 01 November 2009 - 03:40 PM
Most non-Brandons aren't compatible with the Questar finder, but a few are. You can find a list of them on that other Questar forum.
Frankly, I don't like to use non-Brandons with the Q. In my experience, they always seem to exhibit a little slop in the eyepiece holder and shift slightly off-axis when the screws are snugged down to secure them. The threaded Brandons are always centered, always secure, and they afford great views.
I agree. The Brandons give better views in my Questar than my TeleVues or Zeiss eyepieces.
As soon as I try something else, I am usually back to a Brandon within minutes. I do find hat my 16 N T5 , 9 N T6, 10.5 Pl and 24 and 15 mm WF work well with the Q and come reasonably (close) to focus in the finder. Don't recommend it though. On most nights I use just the 24 and 12 mm Brandons in my Questar 7 and am very happy with what I see.
Clear skies,
Posted 01 November 2009 - 08:22 PM
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
By manufacturer, focal length (mm unless otherwise stated), type
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
These come to focus in the finder:
Questar/Vernonscope 32,24,16,12,8 Brandon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Celestron 17 silver top Plossl
Celestron 8x50 (orange) finder cross-hair eyepiece (0.965")
Kinoptique Clave 16,10,8 Plossl
Edmund 1-1/8"
TeleVue 32,26,25,20,21,17,13,10.4 Plossl
Televue 19,15 Panoptic
TeleVue 19 wide
Televue 4.8 Nagler
Unitron 25 Huygens (0.965")
Unitron 18,12.5 Kellner (0.965")
University 16 (70's) Koenig
University 28,10.2,6.8 (70's) Pro Series Ortho
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
These come to focus in finder if "pulled out some"
Cave 25 ortho
Celestron/University 40,25 Kellner (25 can/may have cross-hairs)
Celestron 20 Erfle
TeleVue 40
University 12 Koenig
Vernonscope 7/8",3/4" Brandon
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
These do not come to focus in finder (all work well in scope)
Celestron 35,30,18,12.5 Ultima
Celestron 12.5 ortho reticle
Cave 16,10 ortho (OrthoStars?)
Clave 20,10,6 Plossl
Edmund 28,21,15 RKE
(1980's RKE 28 & 15 focus in finder for objects closer than ~15 ft)
Meade SuperWide 24.5, 18
Meade 20 wide
Meade 20 RG Erfle
Meade 12.4 Erfle
Meade 8.8 UltraWide 4000 (rubber grip)
Orion 9.5 LV
Pentax 12,8.5 XF
Pentax SMC Orthos (all ?)
Pentax XPs (all ?)
Pentax 14,10 XW
Pentax 7
Siebert 7.9 StarSplitter
Televue 22 Panoptic
Televue 14,18 (others?) Radian
Televue 13,12(T4),9,7(orig) Nagler
Televue 9 (orig) Nagler
Televue Type 2 Nagler (all ?)
Televue 6-3mm zoom
TMB SuperMono 1st run (all ?)
University 24 Koenig
University 20,16 super Erfle
University 12.5,9 ortho
Vixen 24-8mm non-click zoom (Televue too?)
Vixen 10, 5 Lanthanum (not the new wide)
Zeiss Abbbe Ortho-II (all ?)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
I use Brandons for solar system objects, but I like the Televue 19mm Panoptic and the UO 12mm Koenig for wide views of deep sky objects.
Posted 02 November 2009 - 06:26 PM
Luck, Bill
Posted 07 October 2010 - 08:24 PM
(Thanks greedyshark, astro_que, and bmwscopeguy!)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
By manufacturer, focal length (mm unless otherwise stated), type
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
These come to focus in the finder:
Questar/Vernonscope 32,24,16,12,8 Brandon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Celestron 36,26,17 silver top (80's) Plossl
Celestron 8x50 (orange) finder cross-hair eyepiece (0.965")
Kinoptique Clave 16,10,8 Plossl
Edmund 1-1/8"
TeleVue 32,26,25,20,21,17,13,10.4 Plossl
Televue 24,19,15 Panoptic
TeleVue 19 wide
Televue 4.8 Nagler
Unitron 25 Huygens (0.965")
Unitron 18,12.5 Kellner (0.965")
University 16 (70's) Koenig
University 28,10.2,6.8 (70's) Pro Series Ortho
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
These come to focus in finder if "pulled out some"
Cave 25 ortho
Celestron/University 40,25 Kellner (25 can/may have cross-hairs)
Celestron 20 Erfle
TeleVue 40
University 25,18 Abbe ortho (volcano top)
University 12 Koenig
Vernonscope 7/8",3/4" Brandon
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
These do not come to focus in finder (all work well in scope)
Cave 16,10 ortho (OrthoStars?)
Celestron 35,30,18,12.5 Ultima
Celestron 12.5 ortho reticle
Celestron 24-8mm zoom
Clave 20,10,6 Plossl
Edmund 28,21,15 RKE
(1980's RKE 28 & 15 focus in finder for objects closer than ~15 ft)
Meade SuperWide 24.5, 18
Meade 20 wide
Meade 20 RG Erfle
Meade 12.4 Erfle
Meade 8.8 UltraWide 4000 (rubber grip)
Orion 9.5 Lanthanum
Pentax 12,8.5 XF
Pentax SMC Orthos (all ?)
Pentax XPs (all ?)
Pentax 14,10 XW
Pentax 7
Siebert 7.9 StarSplitter
Televue 22 Panoptic
Televue 14,18 (others?) Radian
Televue 13,12(T4),9,7(orig) Nagler
Televue 9 (orig) Nagler
Televue Type 2 Nagler (all ?)
Televue 6-3mm zoom
TMB SuperMono 1st run (all ?)
University 24 Koenig
University 20,16 super Erfle
University 12.5,9 Abbe ortho
Vixen 24-8mm non-click zoom (Televue too?)
Vixen 10, 5 Lanthanum (not the new wide)
Zeiss Abbbe Ortho-II (all ?)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =