Astro Photography Tool - APT
Posted 20 June 2010 - 02:51 AM
Thank you for purchasing APT! On your desktop you have to have folder named "Camera_1" and in it "2010-06-19". There the images are stored. If you use two cameras in same time then you will have second folder "Camera_2" and again sub-folder with the current date as name.
What is the problem with program size? Isn't it starts on the full screen?
Posted 20 June 2010 - 06:47 AM
Hi Davio,
Thank you for purchasing APT! On your desktop you have to have folder named "Camera_1" and in it "2010-06-19". There the images are stored. If you use two cameras in same time then you will have second folder "Camera_2" and again sub-folder with the current date as name.
What is the problem with program size? Isn't it starts on the full screen?
Hi Ivo,
1. Thank you for your reply. Where are the images being stored now without the Camera_1. folder and sub folder on my computer?
Can you please provide me with the exact Desktop/ folders Path? ie. C:\xxxxx\xxxxx\Desktop\xxxxx\xxxx for Windows 7 Starter 32 bit. Is it C:\Users\Davio\Desktop\Camera_1\2010-6-20?
Do I have to make a new subfolder on the different days I'm using the program?
2. The program fits my entire screen and I can't resize it to the size I want. In the upper right hand corner there is minimize icon (-) and an exit icon (x) but no little box in between to resize the program. If you incorporated that I can run your program and my PHD guiding program side by size on the same screen (10").
P.S. I love your program. However, it crashes a bit with Windows 7 Starter 32 bit. Your tool is the kind of thing that really makes things easier in the field, at night. The focusing portion alone is worth the expenditure.You should be very proud of your work.
Davio R.
Posted 20 June 2010 - 08:18 AM
"Camera_1" and "2010-06-10" folders are created automatically. If you entered in the settings dialog the path "C:\Users\Davio\Desktop\" then the full path to the images will be "C:\Users\Davio\Desktop\Camera_1\2010-6-20"
APT works in two modes - fulls screen and minimized. When it is minimized there is floating window that you can use to monitor the current APT state while you are using other programs.
What are the problems under Win 7 starter? There was one under Win 7 64 bits, but it was resolved in the latest version. Thank you for the kind words!
Posted 20 June 2010 - 09:49 AM
Hi Davio,
"Camera_1" and "2010-06-10" folders are created automatically. If you entered in the settings dialog the path "C:\Users\Davio\Desktop\" then the full path to the images will be "C:\Users\Davio\Desktop\Camera_1\2010-6-20"
APT works in two modes - fulls screen and minimized. When it is minimized there is floating window that you can use to monitor the current APT state while you are using other programs.
What are the problems under Win 7 starter? There was one under Win 7 64 bits, but it was resolved in the latest version. Thank you for the kind words!
Special Note: This program IS highly functional and does the job. These comments and my problems are stated to improve a great program on the various Windows OS platforms. I highly recommend this software and supporting Ivo as he refines this software. Buy it, you'll be glad you did. Great job Ivo!
Hi Ivo,
Did exactly what you said with Desktop path. It does not save to the computer nor are Camera_1 or subfiles created. After an experimental exposure run last "View Last" image is there but if you click on it again the monitor screen goes blank (which I can see happening). Image Dest: works in camera mode and camera + PC mode (saves just to the camera). Not in PC mode only. My simple path to my desktop is C:\Users\Davio\Desktop\ .Please keep me posted should you figure this out.
What are the problems under Win 7 starter? There was one under Win 7 64 bits, but it was resolved in the latest version. Thank you for the kind words!
The program crashes periodically.
My sysytem:
Dell Inspiron 1012 Mini
Windows 7 Starter
Intel Atom 1.67GHz CPU N450
HD 220GB
File System NTFS
Davio R.
Posted 21 June 2010 - 05:04 AM

Posted 12 July 2010 - 03:14 AM
"C:\Users\<Your_UserName>\AppData\Local\Vir tualStore\Program Files (x86)\Astro Photography Tool - APT\Camera_1"
Posted 18 July 2010 - 12:30 AM
It does exactly what I needed a program to do....control the camera and automate the exposure runs.
Can't wait for the next version.

Posted 20 July 2010 - 10:22 AM
Next version will come in the first week or two of August, loaded with new features

Posted 17 August 2010 - 07:57 AM

Here is the list of the changes:
2010/8/17 - v.1.0.9 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Rotatable/Movable cross
-Added: Scrolling in Preview mode 1:1
-Added: Plan cloning in the Plan Editor
-Added: Lens control (Digic III and latter)
-Added: Automatic mirror lock enable/disable (Digic III and latter)
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Plan name can’t contains < or >.
After few days I will start the work on the new version 1.1. There are interesting features planned for it:
-Support for TEMPer (http://pcsensor.com/...od&productId=15)
and TEMPerHUM (http://pcsensor.com/...od&productId=31) sensors (can be found in eBay too)
-Displaying the current temperature
-Displaying the current dew point (needs TEMPerHUM sensor)
-Notification for refocusing when the temperature drops (FULL Version Only)
-Notification for closing dew point. No more unneeded heating (FULL Version Only)
-Image suffix with the current temperature (FULL Version Only)
-Bulb mode for "Shoot" button
-RAW Only shooting
-Small preview in the floating window to cooperate better with guiding software
Posted 15 September 2010 - 05:21 AM

While the new version 1.10 is done, a fix for the unregistered version can be found here. http://www.ideiki.com/astro/Beta.zip
All registered users can contact me at any time and will send them the fix for the registered version.
A lot of apologies for the inconvenience!!!
Posted 18 September 2010 - 04:59 PM

Everybody is welcome!
Posted 24 September 2010 - 05:40 AM

Next week we will have a new version!
Did I mention the new yahoo group

Posted 01 October 2010 - 06:54 AM

2010/9/30 - v.1.10 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Support for Temper and TemperHUM sensors
-Added: Dew point closing and passing notifications (in FULL version only)
-Added: Need to refocus notification (in FULL version only)
-Added: selection between Celsius and Fahrenheit (in FULL version only)
-Added: Automatic image suffixes can include the current temperature (in FULL version only)
-Added: RAW only mode - no image preview yet
-Added: Stop exposure in plan greater than 1s with the Stop button
-Added: "PC only" mode save the images with base names 0001, 0002...
-Added: Image preview in minimized mode to cooperate with guiding software
-Added: Default focal length (in FULL version only)
-Added: Corrected image (right orientation) in Preview and LiveView by
flipping the image horizontally and vertically
-Added: Sharpening and Negative effects in Preview and LiveView (in FULL version only)
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Removed: Automatic mirror lock custom function enabling/disabling is removed for all cameras except 1000D
-Removed: Custom image quality option.
-Fixed: Other small bugs.
Since this version there is small change in the version numbering – 1.10, 1.20 and any version with last digit “0” will mark the current stable version. Numbers like 1.11, 1.12 where the last digit is not “0” will mark the beta versions. The site will be updated to allow downloading registered and unregistered beta versions. I hope that there will be interest to try the new features and to help to test APT with more EOS models and to make it better. I want to say big “Thank you!” to everybody that were and are helping so far!
On the home page are listed some of the planned features for v1.20. There will be a focus on polishing the things we already have, but there will be some new things too

Please let me this link again. It is the Yahoo group related to APT - http://tech.groups.y...oup/astroplace/
And last, this Saturday I’ll be out of the town so will be slow on responses. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Posted 03 November 2010 - 08:54 AM

2010/11/3 - v.1.20 New features and bug fixes
-Added: Exif Temperature readings - Show it after exposure is taken
-Added: Exif Temperature readings - use as part of the file name (in FULL version only)
-Added: LV++ - LiveView image intensification in real time
-Added: LV Stack - Stacks the LiveView images in real time
-Added: Focus Score - evaluates if the focus is near to the perfect one
-Added: Histogram - R, G, B and L Histogram of taken image (in FULL version only)
-Added: Use of 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1.3, 1.6, 2.5, and 3.2 exposures in a plan
-Added: White balance control
-Added: In minimized mode Ctrl+S is equal to click on Shoot button
-Added: The camera state monitor will show the seconds counter
when Shoot button is used
-Added: Help button to show the User's guide
-Added: "Quick Start" section in the User's guide
-Added: Keeps the Image prefix between APT restarts (in FULL version only)
-Added: Some optimizations in the User's Interface
-Updated: The button “F” which places a focus temperature mark
is with replaced icon – thermometer.
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Fixed is a bug when the cross is used during the LiveView.
Next version will come around the middle of December and will include:
-FWHM Focusing method (both HFWHM and VFWHM)
-Integration with PHD guiding program to support Auto-Dithering
-More User Interface optimizations
-More performance optimizations
-Better installer
-Preview Zoom
-Splash screen
-Bulb mode for "Shoot" button
-Limited support for 300D and 10D
-Few more things...
Don't forget that you can also use the APT Yahoo group to get support - http://tech.groups.y...oup/Astroplace/
Clear skies!
Posted 29 November 2010 - 04:30 PM
Posted 08 December 2010 - 06:12 AM

The some of the major things are FWHM focusing, Pause/Resume, TemperHum calibration and few surprises

PHD integration will be finished in 1.40...
Posted 17 December 2010 - 09:42 AM
To get it, please visit the Download page of the site. There you will find a link to the Beta Versions page, where you can download the Full or Demo version of the 1.25.
I'll be very thankful to hear comments and findings!
The list of the changes are:
- Tooltips help - Shows description per every feature (the final version will contain text for the settings options too).
- FWHM (Full Width Half Maximum) focusing - the the Focusing Aid.
- Framing Mask (FULL version only) - this a multi session aid to help orienting the camera by same angle and position during multiple nights.
- PC only destination for Digic 4 cameras (still needs card).
- Pause / Resume function when plan execution is in progress.
- Auto synchronization of the camera's clock on connection.
- Better LV++ - less noise and more sensitive.
- Better LVStack - less noise and more sensitive.
- Longer connection timeout.
- Temper(HUM) calibration (FULL version only) - now you can enter calibrating constants.
- Tooltips ON/OFF (FULL version only)
- Fixed is the bulb accuracy problem.
- UI and performance optimizations.
- Night Mode for the User guide
A screen shot can be seen at: http://www.ideiki.co...es/apt-beta.png
Till Thursday will continue with the tests, user's guide and site update... The plan is in Thursday to have the final version released

Posted 23 December 2010 - 07:15 AM

As usual there is a list of changes…
2010/12/23 - v.1.30 New features and bug fixes
-Added: FWHM (Full Width Half Maximum) focusing - use the Focusing Aid panel.
-Added: Framing Mask (FULL version only) - a multi session aid to help
orienting the camera by same angle and position during multiple nights.
-Added: Tooltips help - Shows description per every feature
-Added: Tooltips ON/OFF (FULL version only)
-Added: PC only destination for Digic 4 cameras (still needs card).
-Added: Pause / Resume function when plan execution is in progress.
-Added: Shift+Start to loop a plan
-Added: 0s pause between exposures
-Added: Auto synchronization of the camera's clock on connection
-Added: Longer connection timeout
-Added: Splash screen to show loading progress
-Added: Night Mode for the User guide
-Added: Some optimizations in the User's Interface
-Added: Some performance optimizations
-Added: Temper(HUM) calibration (FULL version only) - now you can enter calibrating constants.
-Updated: Better LV++ - less noise and more sensitive
-Updated: Better LVStack - less noise and more sensitive.
-Updated: User's Guide document (the new things are in green)
-Fixed: Fixed is the bulb accuracy problem
-Fixed: Fixed is the random problem with _@@@ in the file names
As a gift to everybody that is trying the demo version there are no more white labels. Even the demo is completely dark adapted.
Happy holidays!
Posted 01 January 2011 - 11:14 AM
I wish you a healthy and successful year with lots of beautiful moments and clear nights!
Posted 04 January 2011 - 10:35 AM
There is no need to update your APT 1.30 if you use other camera or you don't use serial cable.
On the Download page you can get the latest Tooltips in English. Corrected are some typos.
I apologize for the inconvenience!
Posted 06 January 2011 - 10:53 AM
Many special thanks to Henrik about his work!!!

On the site you can also see what translations are in progress

The English version is changed too since the last release. Fixed are some typos.
Posted 13 January 2011 - 04:24 PM

The translation can be found in the Downloads page.
Posted 14 January 2011 - 11:53 AM
Posted 17 January 2011 - 05:00 AM

Many special thanks Chris!!!

Posted 31 January 2011 - 09:43 AM

- PHD and MetaGuide integration. For PHD are included auto-dithering, auto-cancel (when guiding start gets too far), in program displaying of guiding star distance. For MetaGuide only auto-dithering is supported in the moment.
- One click switching to PHD or MetaGuide
- ASCOM telescopes control for easier object framing (full version only)
- Upgraded Messier objects browser with object's coordinates and integration with the telescope control (full version only)
- Improvement in FWHM focusing
- 60D support
- Other fixes and small improvements