CN Star Contributor Award Recipients
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:09 AM
Carol is one of the most cheerful and upbeat of our current crop of very active members. While still relatively new to amateur astronomy she manages to give as good as she gets in the advice department, being quick to share ideas and discoveries she has made with her fellow CN members. Carol is very active in the Beginner's forum, where her input has been well received by new comers who land in that forum. Carol is especially good at offering encouragement to newbies who are stuck on some issue. Her posts are generally informative, usually humorous. The enjoyment she derives from this hobby is clearly expressed and has a noticeable, positive effect on others. For a specific example of her willingness to share what she learns, go here: Degree Circles
Carol, we’re glad you’ve joined us and thank you for all your contributions!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:10 AM
Chris is a very devoted ATM'er, and is currently heavily involved in an "inclusion project" where he assists in designing and building a dobson-like scope for bringing observing to wheelchair-bound astronomers. Chris is always helpful and respectful and it is obvious he desires to help others. Telescope for handicapped
Chris, thank you for all your contributions on CN.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:10 AM
Peter Argenziano
Peter’s courteous and friendly posts make any individual feel welcomed and comfortable on the boards, whether they interact with him in the technical forums or while letting their hair down in the off topic forums. His helpfulness and level headed approach with accurate, intelligent advice has been a real asset in the “Eyepieces” forum, as well as his participation in other forums such as “Reflectors” and “Observatories” when he shared the building of his club’s observatory with us.
Peter, thank you for your contributions to Cloudy Nights!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:11 AM
Maurice’s work imaging variables, IR stars and doing spectroscopy is an inspiration to amateurs who aspire to do real science. He's always helpful and friendly in the solar forum and very encouraging to others. As an example of his work, please take a look at
why chi Cyg fades...
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:14 AM
Sectorzed (Gary)
If, to paraphrase Shakespeare, we are of the stuff that stars are made of, on February 8, 2007, our friend Gary, known to us as Sectorzed, rejoined the stars. To commemorate his passing, and the place in the Cloudy Nights firmament that he always held due to his humanity, wit, and knowledge, we are naming Sectorzed as the Star Contributor for February, 2007.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:14 AM
Alan French
Knowledgeable on all types of telescopes, Alan has been sharing his expertise with beginner and veteran users alike, bringing valuable information on telescopes and their use while always keeping the friendliest tone. Alan, congratulations and thank you for being an asset to our community!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:15 AM
Clive Gibbons
We are pleased to announce that our very own Oort Cloud object, Clive, has been chosen as Star Contributor for April.
Clive brings to Cloudy Nights his expertise on scopes large and small, especially refractors, a friendly and relaxed tone in the Feedback forum, and an uncanny sense of humor everywhere.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:15 AM
Novbabies (Mark)
Mark is enthusiastic in helping new astronomers. His positve responses and encouragement to new CNers have helped make this the friendliest forum on the net. He always goes out of his way to be respectful & pleasant, & to share his knowledge with his fellow members.
Mark, thanks for your role in our community and congratulations!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:15 AM
Awesome Lenny (Len Marek)!
Whether it is observing with a 50 year old classic Unitron, or imaging with the latest in CCD gear, Lenny is a man of varied talents. He is always ready to lend a virtual helping hand in the forums with friendly advice born of decades of experience. A straight shooter and an all around good guy, he exemplifies the positive attitude that CN would like to encourage in forum discussions.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:16 AM
Tel (Terry Bridgwater)
Tel has consistently provided assistance and advice to beginners and experienced users alike. His kind insights have been very helpful, his encouragement of users, especially in the NexStar fora is exemplary. Tel has even helped to settle down some of the threads that could have gone the wrong way and each and every one of his posts is worth reading. Although he is not active in a lot of forums, rather keeping mostly to the NexStar and GPS/CPC areas, he is prolific in those areas.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:16 AM
Jupiterzkool (Scott Edgington)
Scott, a planetary scientist, shares his expertise in plainspoken and kind manner. His explanations are always helpful to beginners as well as to veterans of the hobby, especially in the Science of Astronomy forum where he contributes the most. Scott, keep up the good work and thanks for being part of our community!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:23 AM
Mike I. Jones
Combining the best of both amateur and professional, he's a skilled optician, an enthusiastic ATMer, and a generous contributor of advice, ideas, and shared experience. Always positive and considerate towards others, he seems to make every post count. He uses Cloudy Nights the way it was intended, not only to help others grow in their astronomical skills, but to improve himself as well. Always willing to give advice, and just as willing to take it, he's a pleasure to have as a member. Congratulations Mike!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:24 AM
Talstarone (Todd)
Talstarone is the very essence of what Cloudy Nights is all about. He unselfishly gives of himself to welcome new members, making them feel comfortable. He answers questions in such depth, & in such a way, a person can understand exactly what he is explaining.
Almost all of his many posts have been made in order to help others, & to promote the friendly climate of CN. We are extremely fortunate to have a person that is so giving, to be a member here; therefore, the November Star Award, 2007 is awarded to Talstarone.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:24 AM
Tonk (Tony Cook)
Tony is an expert on planetary and near-Earth objects - comets, asteroids, etc. Having him around is like having an unofficial CN Planetary ephemeris and encyclopedia. His recent heads-up about Comet Holmes (which has grown to a 20,000+ pageview monster) greatly benefited from his commentary and insight. There are probably a lot of laymen walking around who Googled Holmes and found CN and the first thing they saw was Tony Cook. You name a recent comet and Tony was there to provide some useful insight and data.
Tony, congratulations and thanks for being a part of our community!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:25 AM
Ed's contributions cover a broad swath of Cloudy Nights topics, from Reflectors to Refractors, from Observatories to Outreach, and more. He's friendly and supportive of beginners, with good advice and enthusism. He's got good experiences to share, and shows appreciation for the experience of others. A class guy all around.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:26 AM
CarlosEH (Carlos Hernandez)
Carlos consistently welcomes new members to the forums that he participates in, offering encouragement and advice. He also adds additional information in response to other posts such as supportive links or other images to compare the observations with. He's very gracious and warm with his posts and help to make the forums very enjoyable to join in on. Carlos' observations and sketches are superb and he's a great example of what CN stands for.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:26 AM
rick rian
He's one of the real good guys at CN.
Great sense of humor, gets along well with everybody, always tries to be helpful and understanding. A kind and gentle spirit.
He hangs out most in the OTO and posts frequently there, (lots of puns and word games), but he has also made many good contributions to the Celestron Nexstar forum and others. Rick's no flash in the pan... over 8300 posts.
He's the sort of member that helps keep CN a fun and friendly place to visit.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:27 AM
LA, we'll call her, has a grasp of a diverse array of issues and subjects, and her contributions to those discussions are always positive and informative. Whether in Gardening, Science, Outreach, or just hanging out and socializing with the Off-Topic crowd, when LadyAstronomer adds to a thread it is bound to become a better read. We enjoy her presence on CN, and are the better for it.
Congratulations, LA, you are selected as the April 2008 Cloudy Nights Star Contributor!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:27 AM
WRose (Bill Rose)
If you've spent any time in the eyepieces forum, you are familiar with Bill. He is a regular contributor to that as well as other CN forums, and has a wealth of knowledge on the subject of eyepieces and astronomy that he is always willing to share. His drool-inducing eyepiece pictures don't hurt either. Bill epitomizes the type of poster that the Star Award is meant to honor.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:28 AM
Sky Captain (Kerry Hanna)
Kerry is a welcome participant in any forum. He's often seen in ATM where's he's earned the moniker "The Fab Fabber" for his excellent ATM modifications. But he's also seen in many other forums including Outreach, Cameras & Photography, Reflectors and even OTO. Where ever he goes his posts are always in the true spirit of CloudyNights, helpful, friendly and informative.
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:28 AM
BillP (William Paolini)
BillP frequents the eyepieces forum, where his knowledge of this important field shines. His posts are consistently well thought out and reasonable. He answers questions in a friendly, open and informative way and shows great patience at times while helping someone that is learning their way around eyepieces and their performance. Bill's knowledge and efforts make him another great asset to Cloudy Nights!
We're proud to award Bill the July 2008 Cloudy Nights Star Contributor Award!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:28 AM
Bob Yoesle (BYoesle)
Bob is very knowledgeable when it comes to solar filter systems and gear, and happily shares this information with others. He's very friendly and helps keep a good atmosphere in the forums when members get disgruntled over quality control or customer service. He's got a good head on his shoulders and the few times he's exchanged pm's with moderators over posts that were moderated, he's been very supportive and informative with the mod's decisions or inquiries. He interacts well with others and sets a great example in the solar forum.
Congratulations, Bob, for a well-deserved award!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:29 AM
Ed Jones
Ed is a highly skilled optical fabricator and designer, and has made numerous contributions to CN and the amateur telescope making community. He invented the Chiefspeigler optical design, and presented it at this year's Stellafane. It was also featured in the November Sky and Telescope. He's a cheerful and generous fellow, always willing to help people, both in his Cloudy Nights posts and in the general astronomical community.
Congratulations, Ed!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:29 AM
Lawrence Sayre
He always is a gentleman on the forums, gives excellent advice, & very willingly shares his expertise with members, especially in the eyepiece forum. He is a wealth of ideas, always looking to improve the understanding of himself and others, and always experimenting with new approaches. He makes his forums interesting, and keeps people thinking, while being pleasant and easy to communicate with along the way.
Congratulations, Lawrence, and we look forward to a continued wonderful experience with you as a member!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 10:38 AM
Bob Griffiths
Bob has been voted a Cloudy Nights Star Contributor Award Recipient, as of the end of 2009. Bob has a long history of helpful and friendly posts in a variety of forum areas, and a calm demeanor that doesn't get rattled when the threads get dicey. He has a solid body of work here -- over 6900 posts and nearly five years of participation.
Bob is the kind of member that represents the best of Cloudy Nights. Way to go, Bob!