Below are details on how to add bluetooth control to your LN300 video camera. If you have a Micro Ex or DSO-1 (both based on this camera) this mod will not work because those cameras have an added RS485 chip. (you could make it work by skipping PART 1, and adding a RS485 tranceiver chip to bluetooth box, but will leave that to someone else to figure out) This mod taps a 3.3V level TTL TX input pin from the RJ11 DSP and connects it too an external $6 bluetooth module. Using standard SSP bluetooth drivers on your PC and Mallincam Micro Ex control program (or other similar programs) you can connect wirelessly to your LN300 as a com port and access LN300 menus on your PC.
This mod is an extension of cc_hello's thread "Adding PC control to LN300" which was extremely helpful in creating this bluetooth mod. Here is the original cc_hello thread. http://www.cloudynig...00#entry6098886
This mod involves two parts. First, the four pin Iris connector on the LN300 must be wired with; 12V, GND, TTL TX, ADkey. Second, an external bluetooth box must be made to connect to the LN300 Iris connector.
The Iris connector is not used in the LN300, but there is a four pin cable to it running from back board to front board. We will use this cable to bring out 12V, GND, TTL TX, ADkey signals. Locate the four pin cable and cut it from the front board leaving 1/2" of wire (in case you want to restore it in the future). Copying ccs_hello mod, use third pin to access 3.3V TTL TX input signal on front board. Solder in a 2400 ohm resistor and connect that to the yellow wire of the four pin connector.
Get the remaining three signals (12V, GND, ADkey) from the back board. Connect the red wire to 12V and black wire to GND on the power connector. Connect the white wire to PCB as show in photo.
You are now finished with Part 1, and you can now reassemble the LN300. When you power up the LN300, use a volt meter to verify 12V and GND are in right place on the Iris connector.
Locate lower-left pin on Iris connector and that is 12V.
Locate lower-right pin on Iris connector and that should be GND.
Locate upper-left pin on Iris connector and that is ADkey (won't use it in this mod, but you could later)
Locate upper-right pin on Iris connector and that is 3.3V TTL TX input signal we will use shortly.
Next we need to construct a bluetooth box with cable to an Iris connector. Ebay is your friend to find parts cheap, but it takes a while to get them from china. Buy a HC-05 bluetooth module on ebay for about $6 shipped. Buy a L78L33ACZ 3.3V voltage regulator for about $1 that will power the HC-05. Buy a .1uf cap that goes on 3.3V to GND on regulator. Buy a .33uf cap that goes on 12V to GND on regulator. Buy a small plastic box and cable restraint to contain it all. The HC-05 has a connector with VCC,GND, and TX output marked. Connect VCC to 3.3V regulator output. Connect three cable wires; 12V to 3.3V regulator input, GND to regulator and HC-05, and TX wire to TX signal on HC-05. Button it up and you are done.
The Bluetooth module has a button and LED that need to be accessed to do initial link to PC. The sequence is like most bluetooth devices so I'll omit that for now. Really should break out the button and LED on the HC-05 to box exterior, but haven't done that yet.
Now you are ready to plug it all in and see if it works. Link the bluetooth to your PC and you will see two com ports become active. Only one works. Manually set the LN300 System Menu with ID=1 and 9600 baud. Run Mallincam Micro EX control program and select com port and connect. The PC program's buttons should now activate LN300 menus.
I put a short pigtail on my box and velcro'd it to the top of my telescope. Seems to work well and will give it a good test soon. This mod description is rough, but should give someone with some experience building gizmos enough info to make it happen.
Edited by Charles Copeland, 11 September 2014 - 08:18 AM.